Tegar Sakti Bina Muara
Informasi tentang Tegar Sakti Bina Muara contoh Odoo, Open Source ERP .
Aplikasi yang Diinstal
- Odoo 17 Accounting
- Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Account Budget, Recurring Payments, Lock Dates, Fiscal Year For Odoo 17 Community Edition, Accounting Dashboard, Financial Reports, Customer Follow up Management, Bank Statement Import, Odoo Budget
- Restoran
- Extension restoran untuk POS
- Penagihan
- Faktur & Pembayaran
- Website
- Website builder enterprise
- Stok Persediaan
- Kelola kegiatan stok dan logistik Anda
- Pembelian
- SPB, tender dan persetujuan
- Antarmuka POS user-friendly untuk toko dan restoran
- Proyek
- Atur dan rencanakan project-project Anda
- eCommerce
- Jual produk Anda online
- Karyawan
- Pusatkan informasi karyawan
- Document Management System
- Enterprise online document management
- Journal Restriction For Users
- Journal Security Journal Restricted Users Journal Restrictions Restrict Creation Of Journal Restriction for User access on Journal Restriction Access Allowed Journal Account Journal Restriction Journal Base User Access Journal Restriction For Users Journal Access Control User Restriction in Journals Journal Module User Journal Access Restriction System Journal Security Access Control for Journals User Permission Settings in Journal User Restriction Features in Journals Odoo
- Diskusi
- Chat, gateway email dan channel privat
- Kalender
- Jadwalkan meeting karyawan
- Live Chat
- Chat dengan pengunjung website Anda
- Absensi
- Lacak absensi karyawan
- To-Do
- Atur pekerjaan Anda dengan memo dan to-do-list
- Manajemen Keahlian
- Kelola keterampilan, pengetahuan dan resume karyawan Anda